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Current weather

30° 0.0 mm
wind gusts 29.6km/h
average 1.9km/h
180° 0.0 mm
wind gusts 13km/h
average 11.1km/h

The weather forecast was updated on: Wednesday, 12.02.2025 um 12:30. Update interval: 3 hours.
The rainfall values are only available every 6 hours.



  • {{ getDayFromDate(wheaterItem[0].date) }}
    {{ getTemperatur(stationEbenalp, wheaterItem[4].date, null).value }}°
    {{ getWindrichtung(stationEbenalp, wheaterItem[4].date, null).value }}°
    {{ getNiederschlagsmengeForDay(stationWasserauen, wheaterItem[4].date).value }} mm


  • {{ getDayFromDate(wheaterItem[0].date) }}
    {{ getTemperatur(stationWasserauen, wheaterItem[4].date, null).value }}°
    {{ getWindrichtung(stationWasserauen, wheaterItem[4].date, null).value }}°
    {{ getNiederschlagsmengeForDay(stationWasserauen, wheaterItem[4].date).value }} mm
{{ getTimeInTimezone(wheaterItemTime.time) }}
{{ getTemperatur(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}°
{{ getWindrichtung(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}°
{{ getNiederschlagsmenge(stationWasserauen,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}mm
wind gusts {{ getWindspitze(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}km/h
average {{ getWindgeschwindigkeit(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}km/h
Zurück zur Wochenübersicht
{{ getDayFromDate(wheaterItem[0].date) }}
{{ getTimeInTimezone(wheaterItemTime.time) }}
{{ getTemperatur(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}°
{{ getWindrichtung(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}°
{{ getNiederschlagsmenge(stationWasserauen,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }} mm
wind gusts {{ getWindspitze(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }} km/h
average {{ getWindgeschwindigkeit(activeStation,, wheaterItemTime.time).value }}km/h


We have mountainfuls of climbing routes. More than 270, in fact. Suit up for your next ascent.

Conquer the rock face, toehold by toehold. The vertical world of the Alpstein captivates both seasoned climbers and those with less experience.

A dense network of routes has emerged on the north face of Gartenalp in the last few years, including the first 8a redpoint ascent in the Alpstein. The best season for climbing is summer. After a rain, the rock face often stays wet for quite some time.

In sunlight from morning to late afternoon, the south faces extend over a length of 1.5 km, range up to 80 meters in height and offer more than 160 climbing routes, many of them technical. Days with a strong foehn wind in spring, autumn and winter offer optimal climbing conditions.

The rock faces have been divided into different sectors. At the bottom of each route, the number and its level of difficulty are marked, which in this area begins with 5. Climbing routes for beginners can be found in our special training zone on Zisler, the climbing garden.

The Zisler Climbing Garden

A uniquely outfitted training zone, the alpine climbing garden is located on the upper face of Zisler, a 15-minute walk from the Ebenalp upper station. Here you’ll find 46 easy, well-secured climbing routes for beginners. Facing south, the wall is between 10 and 25 meters high and is divided into four climbing sectors. The lower part is less steep than the main wall and makes for easier climbs. Improvement and enjoyment go hand-in-hand here.


From our mountain station, follow the hiking trail toward Chlus and Schäfler until you reach the yellow signpost at the side of the path. From there, walk up 15 meters to the left and follow the markings on the right to Sector D, “Rumpelplatz”.


Climbing bolts are attached about 1 to 1.5 meters apart. The routes are also suitable for younger climbers and families. We recommend that parents check out the climbing garden in advance to select appropriate routes for their young ones. Rock climbing shoes are recommended, and wearing a helmet is a must.

Climbing equipment

Personal equipment suitable for self-belay, belaying device, at least 40 meters of rope (for belazing), helmet and 12 quickdraws.

The climbing routes

To our routes overview (german).

Eine perle im Kletterparadies Ebenalp

47 Routen

Sehr gut abgesichtert


Für Anfänger


Eigene Kletterausrüstung

15 min

Entfernt von der Bergstation Ebenalp


Bitte bei der Bergstation benutzen

  1. {{ sektor.sector_name_translated.value }}
  1. {{ sektor.sector_name_translated.value }}
  1. {{ route.routen_nr }}
    {{ route.route_name }}
    {{ route.legende }}
    {{ route.schwierigkeit }}
    {{ spits(route.spits) }}
    {{ route.rope_length }}

    {{ route.description }}

  1. {{ route.routen_nr }}
    {{ route.route_name }}
    {{ route.legende }}
    {{ route.schwierigkeit }}
    {{ spits(route.spits) }}
    {{ route.rope_length }}

    {{ route.description }}

  1. {{ route.routen_nr }}
    {{ route.route_name }}
    {{ route.legende }}
    {{ route.schwierigkeit }}
    {{ spits(route.spits) }}
    {{ route.rope_length }}

    {{ route.description }}


V Routenverlängerung
Gut eingerichtete Routen, die sich als Kletterprojekt oder zur Erforschung neuer Schwierigkeiten gut eignen.
•• Route 1 kann nur Top-Rope geklettert werden. Es sind keine Sicherungen angebracht.
••• Kletterschwierigkeit stark abhängig von der Körpergrösse.