Natural Alpine Garden
Experience the splendor and variety of alpine flowers and grasses
over an area of 2,000 sqm
What’s Blossoming in You…
…you can find out in our natural alpine garden. There is no blank slate here. There is famous Swiss alpine flora as well as rare, endangered species. The green thumb behind the alpine garden on the Ebenalp plateau belongs exclusively to Mother Nature. Which of them do you know by name?
The alpine garden is designed in such a way that the plants can be admired in their natural habitat on defined paths to protect biodiversity.
Flower Calendar
Which alpine flower blooms when? In our flower calendar you can find an overview of blooming times.
to the calendar
Our Alpine Flowers
The flowering time of the alpine flowers depends heavily on the weather conditions, especially temperature and precipitation.
A cold, snowy winter can mean that the snowmelt starts later and the growing season is shortened.
The flowers with the green icon are in bloom.
All flowers
Flowering time
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{{ activeFlower.description }}
{{ currentIndex }}/{{ listLength }}
Site plan

Please follow this rules on your tour
- do not leave paths
- keep dogs on a leash
- do not pick plants
- do not start a fire
- camping and bivouacking is prohibited
Help us to protect our alpine flora. Thank you very much!